Océans en santé. Communautés en santé

Fionn Yaxley

fionn-yaxley's picture
Communications Manager
Contact Information: 

Fionn Yaxley, Communications Manager

fyaxley at livingoceans dot org

Fionn Yaxley has over 15 years of experience working in the communication field with most of it focused on working for non-profits. She fell in love with wordsmithing early and charted an educational path into the field of marketing and communications. Fionn received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Victoria and completed her Master of Arts in Professional Communication at Royal Roads. Writing and a strong interest in advocating for non-profits have taken precedence in her career choices. Always keen to learn, project management, business administration, sustainability management, leadership, and event planning were added to her educational achievements. Wholly committed to championing causes she believes in, Fionn has spent her career finding innovative ways to share information with the support of her interests in photography, film, design, writing, and social media. Fionn serves on multiple boards including Malcontent Media, Canadian Public Relations Society Foundation, and Victoria Literacy Connection.